Black Swan 2010
Movie: Black Swan
Genre: Psychothriller
Director: Darren Aronifsky
Country: USA
A very talented ballerina, Nina Sayers is a dancer at a famous ballet company in New York. She is always struggling to become better. Her mother is a former ballet performer who gave up her career. Now she wants to achieve her dreams through Nina. Even after after being 28 years old she is taken care of by her overprotective mother.
The ballet company was planning on a new performance on doing the Swan Lake. But they were looking for a new and passionate performer for the leading role who will play both the white and black swan. The director of the company, Thomas replaced their prima ballet, Beth forcefully. She couldn’t accept her forceful retirement though. Nina gives audition for the dual roles. She practiced insanely to get it. In audition she gave a flawless performance for the white Swan but couldn’t make it for the black swan. Because was a sweet delicate person but not sensual enough to portrayal black swan. She practiced harder and tries to impress Thomas. So she went to his office for convincing him. During that Thomas kissed her unexpectedly and Nina bit him then ran off. The next day Nina saw her name chosen for the lead role and gets happy. Thomas later reveals that he saw her aggressiveness and gave the role. Now her mother put her under more pressure and practice.
A new dancer Lily arrives who has all the qualities to take away her role. She sees Thomas getting closer to her and feels insecure. Even Thomas tells her Lily can be the perfect black swan as Nina lacks it. The immense pressure and insecurity makes her hallucination her own evil twin. It shows up and always taunts Nina for not being good enough. She unknowingly scratches her back to bleed. She tries get rid of it but can’t. Sometimes she even sees black feathers growing on her skin along with swan legs. The night before final performance Lily offers Nina to hang out with her and relax. Nina’s mother stops her but she denies her for the first time in life. There she gets a relaxing drug fro Lily and gets aroused about the men and Lily in bar. After that she sees horrible incidents happening and shuts her room and puts out the lights. Waking up she couldn’t find out if all that happened was real. But she was late for the performance. So she runs even after being hungover. She arrives and sees Lily taking over her role. She gets really angry. After that what happens is really shocking.
The movie depicted a performer being obsessed with achieving perfection. For that he or she can go to unimaginable extant. But in the end they have to pay with something precious. Even if it means losing their sanity or life. Overall it was a brilliant movie with amazing acting performances. No wonder it had win Academy Awards and other prestigious awards. You can watch with a thrilling mood.
Natalie Portman
Mila Kunis
Vincent Cassel
Barbara Harshey
Winona Rider
and more.

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