Secret Habits that Control Us

What are habits? Habits are what we do on a regular basis. Habits are when we train our brain to do something repeatedly in a certain way. It can be managing time tables,  exercising, studying, writing or praying etc. Habits are attached to our lives and it is hard to get rid. Some negative habits are smoking, drinking, cursing, abusing behaviours and so on. These habits shape us from the core and tell out loud of what type of person we are.

But there are some secret habits that control our life. In short, making small changes in our habits and drive it towards bringing positivity. Psychologists have used a term ‘Friction’. Friction means barriers to performing a certain behaviour. In the 80s, a group of scientists conducted a study that involved stopping people from using the lift in a four-storeyed office building. They put signs regarding the bad sides of using lifts and good sides of using stairs. But nobody chose the stairs. So the scientists slowed the lift doors by 16 seconds. Most people started using the stairs. This kept going on even after the lift doors went back to its original speed. This is called friction. Distance, time and effort are all friction. It determines what behaviours we keep repeating. It forms our habits too.
We do a lot of things to change out habits like exercising. But it doesn’t work that way. Our habits are stored as memories in a special place of our brain we don’t have access to.  An important part of changing behaviour is getting rewards. If we get rewards after doing something our brain releases dopamine and keep on doing it. Another thing is to do with whatever we have around us. Absence of ingredients discourage us to bring any changes in our habits. These are very small things that influence big time. They shape us and control our lifestyle. All the are explained beautifully by behavioural scientist Wendy Wood. You can watch this video to learn more about how our habits control us.





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