Siccin 2014

Movie: Siccin

Genre: Horror, Drama, Thriller

Director: Alper Mestçi

Country: Turkey


Siccin film series has 6 movies with different stories. Each movie has its own style of storyline. But the movies are connected through some characters who seem to appear in more then one movie. The term Siccin means the name of a prison or the lowest part of hell.

Every movie has Jinn stories who are used as tool of black magic by sorcerers. Most of them are revenge stories. With full of twists and horrifying incidents this film series is considered one of the scariest movies ever. But Siccin 3 is the most emotional and heart touching of all. It’s actually a love story where a man named Orhan loses his wife in an accident. He deals with the devils to bring her back to life using black magic. But as dead cannot come back to life a daughter of jinns come in her place. To take back their child the jinns brutally kill everyone dear or related to Orhan. He tries to save them but fails. The horrible story ends with a simple realisation. Orhan repents and prays for forgiveness to god. He is blessed with supernatural abilities to see jinns and send them back to their world. In the following movies Orhan is seen to help people who are suffering from the brutal fate of black magic. Though his story finally ends in chapter 6. But chapter 5 is also recommended as a must watch. It has a very twisted and scary story. You may not understand till it finishes.

The same director created all six movies. These movies have strong graphic images and horrible characters. Everything seem very real. The amazing make up and costume design including the cinematography brought it to life. It is unwise to see at night and children should be kept away from watching the films. On the top the movies are must watch for horror lovers.


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Nushrat Ferdous

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