The Vow 2012

Movie: The Vow

Genre: Romance

Director: Michael Sucsy

Country: USA


Paige and Leo are happily married couple and was living their fullest enjoying each other’s company. Unfortunately it halted with a deadly accident. Leo and Paige were inside a car when a truck damaged their car. The heavily injured Paige loses her memories after the time when she was still in college and was engaged to her ex- fiance Jeremy. When Leo came to see her she thought it was her doctor and did know he was her husband.  Heavily shocked Leo was at a loss.

Hearing the news Paige’s parents came to visit her. That was the first time Leo met them. Paige was confused why her husband did not meet them and why he did not know the reason. All these failed to make her believe that Leo was her husband.  Also her parents didn’t like him as son-in-law. So she decides to leave Leo and go to her parents’ house.  But Leo comes with a voice record of her that was romantic.  The she thought of giving it a try.

Leo tries his best to remind her about their happy life and how much they love each other. He arranges a party with friends but Paige didn’t recognise anyone and got frustrated. Every time she only thought about why she left  law school, broke her engagement with Jeremy and left her friends and family. All she wanted was to go back to her past. Leo kept trying so that she regains her memories. He even tried to adjust with her wealthy parents but failed. On the other hand Paige sees Jeremy again and kisses him. Everything got messier. Paige’s parents wanted her to divorce Leo. Even after so much and trial Leo failed and signs the divorce papers. But the questions roaming inside Paige’s mind were still unanswered. One day she went to a flower shop and met her very old best friend. At first she was happy but soon being unaware of Paige’s amnesia she reveals some horrible truths that answered all the questions.

The movie is based on a true story of a couple.  The mesmerising depiction of love was unbeatable.  How two people fall in love again after a tragedy is beautifully showed throughout it. Pain of losing a loved one and facing betrayal from the closest people was the main focus. It represented that the vows of a marriage must be kept. It is also a part of being responsible and expressing love. Though there were some vague turn of events the movie touched hearts of romance lovers. Overall the cinematography and screenplay were good enough. A perfect movie for Sunday evenings.


Channing Tatum

Rachel McAdams

Sam Neill

Scott Speedman

and others.


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About Author:

Nushrat Ferdous

[email protected] 





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