Mon Short film
Mon | মন
Siam Ahmed, Nadia Khanam, Sadia Nabila, Vicky Zahed
Bangla Short film

Short Film : Mon
Cast: Siam Ahmed , Nadia Khanam & Sadia Nabila
Story, Screenplay & Direction : Vicky Zahed
Cinematography : Bidrohi Dipon
Edit : Saif Russel
Sound Design : Aurnob Hasnat
Original Music : Mahamud Hayet Arpon
Art Director : Jahid Preetom
Excutive Producer: Adil Khan
Ast-Director : Muhtasim Taqi
Costume : Alvira Tasnim
Gaffer: Sultan
Makeup: Rashed Al Rashid
Post Supervisor : Anup kumar Biswas
Casting: Y Spark GFX: Sabbir Hasan
Publicity Design : Sajjadul Islam Sayeem ( YFVFX )
Online & Print Promotion : J I Mohsan
Dubbing Studio : Voice
Production Manager : Hasib
Production House : V Creation
Sponsored By : Bisk Club Fruit Fun Biscuits
Banner : Dhruba TV

Mon Short film
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