The Gift 2015

Movie: The Gift

Genre: Psychothriller , Mystery

Director: Joel Edgerton

Country: USA


Simon and Robyn are a married couple trying to start their life anew relocate to Los Angeles suburb. To set up their house they go for shopping and Simon’s school mate Gordo runs into them. They talk and Simon seemed surprised to see him after so many years. But they bid him goodbye and come back home. The next morning they discover a gift package in from of their door. It was sent by Gordo.  The couple get surprised as they didn’t give him their address. The next day when Simon was at work Gordo comes to the house to see Robyn. Then asks for Simon. As he wasn’t at home Robyn invites him to have dinner with them when Simon comes home. While having dinner Gordo gave very weird vibes. Simon got  little worried but Robyn tells him it’s nothing and it was just one dinner. But it didn’t end.

Everyday Gordo leaves a gift and drops by when Robyn is home alone. He even invites the couple to his home. At first they hesitated but they still go and discover Gordo lives in a very expensive house. When Simon asks what he did for living and does he have a wife he says it’s a long story. Then leaves them for while and goes out saying it’s an emergency and he’ll be back. After coming back he says his wife left him and took their children. This is her house. Seeing everything going really bizzare Simon decides to tell Gordo that they don’t want Gordo being around them. After that they leave. They thought everything was over. But Robyn’s dog go missing and the fishes gifted by Gordo were dead. Simon goes to Gordo’s house and discovers the belonged to some other couple. So he calls the cops but lack of evidence they couldn’t do anything. Then a letter arrives from Gordo and apologises saying he will not bother them anymore. But Robyn was scared with the feeling that when she was alone at home maybe Gordo was watching her. But Simon argues and tells her to focus on what they came for. They wanted to start a family. After a while Robyn gets pregnant and everybody was so happy. The relatives and neighbours came and helped her too. Gordo didn’t seem to bother them anymore. But when Robyn went shopping with her neighbour she tells her there was a man outside the shop looking at her. Robyn looks and it was Gordo. Then everything takes turn and weird things start happening.

The movie is a bit slow at the beginning. You may need to be patient to wait for the mysteries to revealed. But it’s worth a shot.

Image source:


Joel Edgerton

Rebecca Hall

Jason Bateman

and more.



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Nushrat Ferdous


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